Shipping Windows Events to Heka and ElasticSearch


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This post shows how to ship Windows Events using NXLog from a Windows system to a remote Heka server securely, and from there to ElasticSearch where they will appear in Kibana. Specifically we’ll see how to:

This post moves us toward the Iterative Defense Architecture.


  • I will be setting up Heka on Debian, so you may need to adjust some instructions.
  • For shipping through to ElasticSearch, you should have ElasticSearch set up and Kibana configured for it.

Future work

I hope to use Heka on Windows in the future and get rid of NXLog entirely, but for now, NXLog is the de facto standard for shipping Windows Events to Logstash, and we are using Heka as a replacement for Logstash.

Setup Heka

We need at least Heka v0.10, in order to get TLS support. At the time of this writing that means we have to build Heka ourself. Check the binary page here and if version v0.10 has been released, then use that and skip the Compiling Heka section.

Compiling Heka

To compile, first we need the dependencies:

apt-get install build-essential git cmake mercurial dh-autoreconf libprotobuf-dev

Install Go

You must have go installed of at least version 1.3.2. We’ll use 1.4.2 which is the latest at the time of this writing. Debian’s package for golang is old, so we have to take manual steps:

tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.4.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

Additionally add the line export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin to your /etc/profile.

Run go version and you should see go version go1.4.2 linux/amd64

Build Heka

Download and build Heka:

git clone
cd heka
dpkg -i heka_0.10.0_amd64.deb

You should now be able to run hekad -version and see 0.10.0

Test it:


Once this finishes you should see:

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 26

Total Test time (real) =  31.71 sec

After Heka installs

After you build Heka from source or install a Heka package, you’ll end up with just a /usr/bin/hekad file, but no config and no service to start it, so it won’t be running. So let’s create a config and then we’ll turn it into a service.

Configure Heka

Initially, we’ll just configure Heka to receive remote logs and output them to stdout. This isn’t very helpful in the long-run, but ensures we can receive the events. Later I’ll show to receive these securely, and how to ship them further.

Create the config file which Heka looks for at /etc/hekad.toml as follows:

address = ":5140"

type = "LogOutput"
message_matcher = "TRUE"
encoder = "PayloadEncoder"

append_newlines = false

This will listen for events on an HTTP server running on port 5140 and print them to stdout.

Setup supervisor for Heka

Supervisor (aka supervisord) is commonly used to run Python services, but it can run any executable. It takes care of starting the process at boot, restarting the process if it crashes, logging anything written to stdout or stderr and maintaining those logs. First install supervisor:

apt-get install supervisor

Create a service account for Heka:

useradd -s /usr/sbin/nologin -r -M hekad
# Create cache directory
mkdir /var/cache/hekad
# Create log directory
mkdir /var/log/hekad
# Set owner
chown hekad:hekad /var/cache/hekad /var/log/hekad

Now we create a config file to tell supervisor how to run Heka and tell supervisor to reload it’s config files:

cat <<EOF > /etc/supervisor/conf.d/heka.conf

supervisorctl reload

Now you should see hekad running:

$ ps -ef | grep hekad
hekad     18372 17926  0 03:45 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/hekad

Test that the server can receive data and print it on stdout. Ideally from another machine (in order to check your firewall) run:

curl -d "hello"

You should this message as 2015/06/13 18:05:20 hello in your stderr log file at /var/log/hekad/heka_stderr.log.

If not, check the logs in /var/log/hekad/ for errors. If no logs are there, check the logs in /var/log/supervisor/ for errors.

As you should now realize, all we’re doing is using Heka to take any HTTP POST messages and write them to stdout.

Setup NXLog

On your Windows system:

  1. Download and run the .msi installer of NXLog Community Edition from
  2. Open C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf in a text editor with Administrative privileges and set it to:

     #define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog
     define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
     Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
     CacheDir %ROOT%\data
     Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
     SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
     LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
     # Set to DEBUG to troubleshoot
     LogLevel INFO
     <Extension json>
         Module	xm_json
     <Input in>
       Module im_msvistalog
       # Only send new logs
       ReadFromLast TRUE
       SavePos TRUE
       # Convert to json
       Exec to_json();
       # Only send select event logs
       Query  <QueryList>                                    \
                  <Query Id="0">                             \
                      <Select Path="Application">*</Select>  \
                      <Select Path="System">*</Select>       \
                      <Select Path="Security">*</Select>     \
                  </Query>                                   \
       # Uncomment for Windows 2000, 2003, or XP (and comment the line "Module im_msvistalog")
       # Module im_mseventlog
     <Output out>
         Module      om_http
         # TODO: Change this URL to your heka server
     <Route 1>
         Path        in => out

    Set to the name of your Heka server for log collection.

  3. Start NXLog. If this is your first time installing NXLog, you’ll need to start it. From an elevated command prompt run:

     sc start nxlog
  4. Create a test event to help ensure things are working:

     eventcreate /ID 1 /L Application /T ERROR /D "Testing my events"

    Look at your event logs. You can do this with the GUI with eventvwr, or on the command-line with:

     wevtutil qe Application /c:1 /f:Text /rd:True

    This should show something like:

       Log Name: Application
       Source: EventCreate
       Date: 2015-06-08T21:26:23.000
       Event ID: 1
       Task: N/A
       Level: Error
       Opcode: Info
       Keyword: Classic
       User: S-1-5-21-3018557584-2171446095-150255294-1002
       User Name: slugger\onsight
       Computer: slugger
     Testing my events
  5. You should have now seen a message, formatted as json, appear in your hekad log file at /var/log/hekad/heka_stdout.log. It will look like:

     2015/06/04 17:09:57 2015/06/04 5:09:57PM MDT {"EventTime":"2015-06-09 12:02:45","Hostname":"slugger","Keywords":36028797018963968,"EventType":"ERROR","SeverityValue":4,"Severity":"ERROR","EventID":1,"SourceName":"EventCreate","Task":0,"RecordNumber":26594,"ProcessID":0,"ThreadID":0,"Channel":"Application","Domain":"slugger","AccountName":"onsight","UserID":"onsight","AccountType":"User","Message":"Testing my events","Opcode":"Info","EventReceivedTime":"2015-06-09 12:02:45","SourceModuleName":"in","SourceModuleType":"im_msvistalog"}


If you did not see the event log in your hekad output, here are some tips:

  1. Ensure you can ping from your Windows host.
  2. Ensure NXLog is running on the Windows host:

     sc query nxlog

    This should have a line that says STATE : 4 RUNNING

  3. Check the debug log for NXLog which is at C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\data\nxlog.conf. You can get more debug output by changing the line LogLevel INFO to LogLevel DEBUG in the file C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf

  4. Ensure NXLog is picking up the events. You can do this by adding an additional output to your nxlog.conf file with the lines:

     <Output outf>
         Module      om_file
         File		'C:\\Windows\\temp\\nxlog_output.txt'
     <Route 1>
         Path        in => outf

    Restart NXLog, create another event, and ensure it appears in C:\Windows\temp\nxlog_output.txt.
    Remove those configuration lines once things are working.

Get events into ElasticSearch

Printing the events to stdout is not very helpful. We want to get our events into ElasticSearch. In a highly scaled production environment, you should consider feeding these event messages from Heka to Kafka (for buffering) to another Heka instance, and then into ElasticSearch. For our initial setup, we’ll just feed these straight from NXLog to Heka to ElasticSearch.

Modify your /etc/hekad.toml to this:

address = ":5140"
decoder = "JsonDecoder"

type = "SandboxDecoder"
script_type = "lua"
filename = "lua_decoders/windows_events.lua"

message_matcher = "TRUE"
server = ""  # TODO: Change this to your ElasticSearch server
flush_interval = 5000
flush_count = 1
encoder = "ESJsonEncoder"

es_index_from_timestamp = true
type_name = "%{Type}"

I removed the output to stdout, added a JsonDecoder, and added an output to ship this off to ElasticSearch.

You’ll need to change the server address from to the address of your ElasticSearch server.

Now create the file /usr/share/heka/lua_decoders/windows_events.lua with the following contents:

require "cjson"
require "string"

-- Borrowed from:
-- with edit for the "Severity" and removing some fields.

local strict_parsing = read_config("strict")
if strict_parsing == nil or strict_parsing == '' then
    strict_parsing = true

function process_message()
    local payload = read_message("Payload")

    -- check length (cjson.encode will crash if payload is > 11500 characters)
    if #payload > 11500 then
       return -1

    -- Decode json, and if it fails, look for bad prefix or postfix data
	local ok, json = pcall(cjson.decode, payload)
	local prefix = ''
	local postfix = ''

	if strict_parsing and not ok then
		return -1
	elseif not ok then
		-- try parsing once more by stripping extra content on beg and end
		local json_start = string.find(payload, "{")
		local json_end = string.match(payload, '^.*()}')
		if json_start == nil or json_end == nil then
			return -1

		prefix = string.sub(payload, 0, json_start-1)
		postfix = string.sub(payload, json_end+1)
		ok, json = pcall(cjson.decode, string.sub(payload, json_start, json_end))

    if not ok then return -1 end
    if type(json) ~= "table" then return -1 end

	-- Set severity
    json.Severity = json.SeverityValue

    write_message("Payload", cjson.encode(json))
    write_message("Fields[_prefix]", prefix)
    write_message("Fields[_postfix]", postfix)

    -- Remove unwanted values (still available in the payload)
    json.SeverityValue = nil
    json.SourceModuleName = nil
    json.Task = nil
    json.RecordNumber = nil
    json.SourceModuleType = nil
    json.Keywords = nil
    json.EventReceivedTime = nil

	-- Add to the message so they show up as ElasticSearch fields
    for k, v in pairs(json) do
        -- nested json strings are not supported, stringify them
        if type(v) == "table" then
            write_message("Fields[" .. k .. "]", cjson.encode(v))
            write_message("Fields[" .. k .. "]", v)

    -- Set the type
    write_message("Type", "windows_event")
    return 0

Now restart hekad (using supervisorctl restart hekad), send it an event, and in your ElasticSearch you should be able to find the event and see that fields have been parsed out, as shown in Figure 1.

Parsed Windows Event

Figure 1

You will notice though that the Message field is retrieved exactly as is as shown in Figure 2, so for your use cases, you may need to do extra parsing.

Unparsed Message Field

Figure 2

However, usually extra fields get added automatically by Windows to assist you as shown in Figure 3.

Parsed Windows Event Fields

Figure 3

Encrypting the transfer of logs from Windows to Heka

Right now, our logs are being sent in the clear over the wire, and our Heka server is accepting logs from anyone. We’re going to set TLS connection with server and client certificates to ensure the logs are sent encrypted, can’t be MiTM’d, and the server only accepts logs from clients it knows about.

We will generate two self-signed certs: One for the servers, and one for clients. This is common practice, although in the future, I plan to look into having a root CA and generating individual client certificates, but I don’t know how well any of these tools deal with revoking certs, or using a client cert to identify a single client system. For now, if certs need to be revoked and replaced, it’ll have to be done enterprise wide.

Generate the certs

You can follow the same certificate generation guides as for Logstash. So you can look at this guide for more explanation.

# Create directories
mkdir -p tls/private/  # For private keys
mkdir -p tls/certs/    # Public keys that can be copied anywhere

# Config file for nxlog cert
cp /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf nxlog_cert.cnf

cat <<EOF >> nxlog_cert.cnf
keyUsage=critical, keyCertSign, digitalSignature
extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth

# Create client cert
openssl req -config nxlog_cert.cnf -extensions 'mysection'  -subj '/C=US/ST=CA/L=San Francisco/O=Your Company/CN=nxlog shipper/' -x509 -days 3650 -batch -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout tls/private/nxlog.key -out tls/certs/nxlog.crt

# Create
openssl req -subj '/C=US/ST=CA/L=San Francisco/O=Your Company/' -x509 -days 3650 -batch -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout tls/private/heka.key -out tls/certs/heka.crt

You must change the FQDN to the domain for your Heka server. If you use an IP address, you’ll need to edit your /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf Find the [ v3_ca ] section in the file, and add this line under it (substituting in the Logstash Server’s private IP address):

subjectAltName = IP: heka_server_private_ip

Then generate your server cert with -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf instead of the -subj parameter.

You should also change Your Company and the other data if needed, which includes your Country (C) from US, your State (ST) from CA and your Locality (L) from San Francisco.

Verify that the FQDN for your Heka server appears in the output when you run:

openssl x509 -in tls/certs/heka.crt -noout -text

You should now have two public certs in tls/certs/ that you can put anywhere, and two private keys in tls/private that you will use to authenticate systems with one another. NXLog requires a PEM formatted certs and keys though, so let’s make those conversions:

Copy files to the correct places

  1. Copy to the Windows host into the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\cert:
    • tls/private/nxlog.key
    • tls/certs/nxlog.crt
    • tls/certs/heka.crt
  2. Copy to the Heka server into the directory /usr/share/heka/tls (you will need to make this as root with mkdir -p /usr/share/heka/tls:
    • tls/private/heka.key
    • tls/certs/nxlog.crt

    Make sure everything in this directory is own by the hekad user with:

     chown -R hekad:hekad /usr/share/heka/tls

Configure NXLog for TLS

In your NXLog config file at change your <Output out> to:

<Output out>
    Module		om_http
    HTTPSCertFile	%ROOT%\cert\nxlog.crt
    HTTPSCertKeyFile	%ROOT%\cert\nxlog.key
    HTTPSCAFile		%ROOT%\cert\heka.crt

Again, make sure is set to the correct server.

Restart the NXLog service:

sc stop nxlog
sc start nxlog

Configure Heka for TLS

Change your HttpListenInput section in your /etc/hekad.toml to:

address = ":5140"
use_tls = true
decoder = "JsonDecoder"
    cert_file = "/usr/share/heka/tls/heka.crt"
    key_file = "/usr/share/heka/tls/heka.key"
    client_auth = "RequireAndVerifyClientCert"
    client_cafile = "/usr/share/heka/tls/nxlog.crt"
    prefer_server_ciphers = true
    min_version = "TLS10"

Restart hekad:

supervisorctl restart hekad


You now should have Windows Event logs pouring into your ElasticSearch instance which are sent encrypted from your Windows host to Heka.